Monday, September 28, 2020


I am not beholden to anyone
You are not owed an excuse or explanation
If you feel you have been wronged
Take it up with someone else
I have just dismissed you from my conscience

I am no one’s sidekick or loyal servant
I am only loyal to what brings my ends
I do right because right needs to be done
But sometimes wrongs are righteous, too
And I have deemed you worthy of ignoring you

You are not beholden to decency
Thus why I dismiss you eternally
Enjoy your days as far away
As I stay here in a blissful haze
And no one will ever need to bother you

I am not beholden to anyone
You are not my master or my employer
Why would you want to follow
When you can forge your own road?
I owe you nothing, so leave me be