Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Despised Divine

I hate every day that I’ve failed to burn you in effigy
Oblivious to the tune of your lifestyle’s melody
Lyrics in the trees that hang so low that they mean nothing at all
Obsequious to you

Interpreting the wanton speech of your lyrical extremes
Clouded by illusions rising from waters like steam
Creating the rain clouds meant to drown the whole of time
Obfuscated by you

I’ve breathed in the wartime air beneath your liar’s smile
Coughing up the fires of desolation in my wake
It’s only fitting that I turn my rage to the despised divine
Obliterating you

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Inspired By A White Stripes Song

Suffocated in a wounded soul
As I make my way down to Mexico
Meg White is breathing down my back
As Jack sings a song of Jericho
Not sure what I’m doing here
As I've never done the fame thing well
A bus ride to the Pearly Gates
Might as well be a bike ride to Hell

I fortified my southern wall
Just to keep out all the invaders
Put an ocean between you and me
‘Cause you act like a bunch of first graders
Oh, I’m sure I could tour the world
Play all the bars and finally make it
But I swear to God as my witness
That I will grow to despise my biggest hit

I don’t want negative attention
For things I do just for fun
I’m not a monkey on a leash
You can just parade out to everyone
I alone say how I’m going to play
And everyone else can kindly piss off
I’m hardly the kind of superstar
That won’t make you take a taste of Molotov