Sunday, November 15, 2020

Inspired By A White Stripes Song

Suffocated in a wounded soul
As I make my way down to Mexico
Meg White is breathing down my back
As Jack sings a song of Jericho
Not sure what I’m doing here
As I've never done the fame thing well
A bus ride to the Pearly Gates
Might as well be a bike ride to Hell

I fortified my southern wall
Just to keep out all the invaders
Put an ocean between you and me
‘Cause you act like a bunch of first graders
Oh, I’m sure I could tour the world
Play all the bars and finally make it
But I swear to God as my witness
That I will grow to despise my biggest hit

I don’t want negative attention
For things I do just for fun
I’m not a monkey on a leash
You can just parade out to everyone
I alone say how I’m going to play
And everyone else can kindly piss off
I’m hardly the kind of superstar
That won’t make you take a taste of Molotov

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