Wednesday, June 23, 2021

A Love Story

My heart cries out for two names
And one of them is a lie
The other one was you, the great love of my life
I have done all I can to see joy in your eyes
But there were things I knew that I could never give
That’s where he came in, your prince in the bright moonlight
He gave you a home and love and the children you hold dear
I could never be that man
So I had to let you go
15 years is a long time to bury a heart’s wish
The temptation I try so hard to deny myself
If I once, for a second, believed I could give you the life you deserve
I live my life as a drifter, a wandering bohemian
My life has been uprooted far too many times to stay in one place
I once believed that roots were the one thing I could never have
But roots just cannot grow without some sense of permanence
Now that I finally found my home, you creep back into my mind
To once again remind me of what I’ve always known
No one ever stays still
Not in the world I’ve lived
You were just one of a million faces I have seen
I still hold a candle for you
Hoping that my love for you will override my desire to be your wife
Knowing you have exactly what you wished all of your life
Something I just can’t be

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