Friday, June 25, 2021

The Curse of Infinity

I want to reach for the stars
But I know they are forever beyond my grasp.
I don't spread myself too thin
Because simplicity is my goal.
My happiness has deep roots,
And my love ever-encompassing.
I would rip time and space apart for a sacred heart
And would use my power foolishly
To save the unworthy and ungrateful out of a faint hope
That they would even begin to notice me.
I would be a rather failed god,
Damned by her humanity
And forever tethered to mediocrity.
I am a tragedy, a comedy, a sonnet and a song.
I am too vengeful to be gracious,
But too forgiving to be cruel.
I am, at best, mortal and finite,
Limited in resources and vast in dreams.
What I wouldn't give to have the power and awareness of a god,
If only to become at peace with the multiverse.
But I know such power would be used foolishly,
And thus, why I am so denied.

This is the curse of Infinity.

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