Tuesday, July 13, 2021


Dance, fireflies
And follow me home
Let me teach you how to hurt
And how to heal
To focus your nightmares
To unleash the fiend
To gather this whole worthless world
And hold it in your hands

Dance, fireflies
And listen to my stories
Let me teach you how to lead
And how to follow
To walk into the abysmal twilight
To find the light where the light goes to die
To gather the vagrants with nothing else to live for
And mold them into the harbingers of death

Dance, fireflies
And walk with me through the night
Let me teach you how to swim
And how to drown
To let the rivers drift you away
To let the seas carry you beyond the night
To wrestle with Poseidon and dominate Hades
To rally and claim Olympus for yourself
And reign, my fireflies
We will reign
With lighting and water and fear
To hurt, to heal, and to show this world
The True Faces of Fear

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