Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Your Love is My Slave

Your love is my slave to our basest desires
I thirst for a heart that was forged in the fire
Smelt by passion into bars of a gilded cage
Where I shall subdue you and bridle your rage
Your soul is insurgent, yet your eyes, they betray
A need to be broken and made to obey

Don’t you see how obsessed I am
In keeping you in line under my right hand?
You’ll wear the scars etched upon my mind
Within a world that I have designed
As you cry for a savior to spare you the pain
Of the fate you must suffer just to hold me again

My mind is a burning cauldron of lustful dreams
Of stretching you beyond all conceivable extremes
I live for your screams and bathe in your tears
As I inflict upon you my nightmares and fears
My soul is black, wicked and cold
Your love cannot save me, that narrative is old

Now that you see how obsessed I’ve become
With subjecting your body under my thumb
You’ll bear the scars etched upon my soul
As you gasp and beg to escape this black hole
The gravity of my grasp shall collapse your free will
You shall come to accept that you are mine still

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