Saturday, June 20, 2020

120 Minutes

I am the only one who lives for Sunday
It comes on at Midnight
No one else knows
The sounds of bands that live left of the dial
Sometimes, they might get airplay for a while
But most of the time, they're only here for Sunday
I'd burn through more than one VCR
Taping the memories of bands and songs
I may only see once on a Sunday Night
And may never see again

I'd play and replay, and replay even more
Until the tapes couldn't take it anymore
They were never meant to take such abuse
I'd hold on for years, waiting and searching
To see their names on the shelf of a record store
Just to know that they were real
I'd burn through more than one VCR
Replaying the memories of bands and songs
I would only hear once on a Sunday Night
And would never hear again

I didn't spend my summers hanging out with friends
You have to have friends to even hang out with
All I had was Sunday for 120 Minutes
Every band I wish I could be in
Being the things I wish I could have been
Playing late on MTV, only here for the hardcore
Not Alternative Nation, but even further left of the dial
You might hear me on a college station if you get reception
Sandwiched between the Replacements and Pavement
I might be big in Canada and you would never know it
Because I only existed on Sunday Nights
Burning through more than one VCR
Keeping the memories of bands and songs
That no one would hear on a Sunday Night
Faded away into nothing
Faded away into something lost
Faded away on a VHS
Faded away into a memory
Of Sunday Nights here on MTV

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