Saturday, June 20, 2020

A Message from a Vampire Named Daphne

Eternal youth
Carnal bliss
You look to us as if we are some romantic gift
Pining to save you from the clutches of time
Moments before, you begged to be embraced
But faced with the truth, you run away
Because there is no eternity for you
We are not the creatures of myth you romanticize
We are not the cunning Lestat
Giving you the choice that he never had
To be frank, we don't find you all that interesting
You thought that we'd be some eternal moping teenager
Pining for one true love to stay by our side forever
Most of us can't even stand one another
Let alone the ceaseless whining of the so-called “living”
“Oh please, take me away from my mundane existence!”
Trust me, in one hundred years, you'll understand
You have yet to experience what true boredom is
Living in a waking dream that humans call “decades”
Watching all the living creatures run around you like children
What would a god have to discuss with an ant?
What would the eternal have to discuss with the finite?
We have seen empires rise and fall,
Civilizations thrive and crumble
We have been here through the centuries watching
As the mortal whispers of the past become the distorted prophecies of the future
Your kind obsesses over eternity
But you can barely handle the moment before you
We were once much like you
Begging our betters to save us from mediocrity
Throwing ourselves, often quite literally, into the arms of infinite darkness
Believe me when I say that this is not something you truly want
This is not the lifestyle you want to believe this is
We are not eternally beautiful, young and promiscuous romantics
We are the Pantheon of Infinite Boredom
And you are merely toys in which we play with to pass the time
You may believe that Edward will love you forever
But forever among your kind is but a few years, at best
Too many of us have made the mistake of embracing out of love
Virtually all of us have abandoned those mates for younger mortal models
Learning the lesson that you have refused to accept
Nothing is forever, even for those frozen in place in time
Enjoy the moments you have, for there are precious few
We will never, ever embrace you

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