Saturday, June 20, 2020

Radio Dreams: True Dreams of Wichita

True Dreams of Midwestern bliss
Lost among the flyover states
In the rare places where freaks like me gather in droves
Like the Beetopia from the Blind Melon video
I finally found a place where people like me exist
… except they don't

True dreams of Leavittsburg
I could never return and call that home
Because home was never a place I had been
Only the places I could imagine in my dreams
I never felt as if I were permanent
I was always just passing through
The people who are here today
Would be gone by next week
Nothing is permanent
Nothing is stable
Nothing gold ever stays
But neither does anything else

True Dreams of Youngstown
And I'm stuck with all I've got
Dreams come to die here
Chances are, I will, too
The only stability here is the inevitability of failure
That's why everyone tries to run away from Ohio
No one stays here because they want to
We stay here because we can't afford to go home, anymore
Except that Ohio was always home, I guess
Maybe that's why it never felt that way

True dreams of Wichita, and I have no concept of it
All I know are gray skies, football, and trailer parks
I've spent my entire life believing that I was just passing through
But Ohio won't let me leave you
Until it takes away ever last possible dream
I may ever have of Wichita

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