Saturday, June 20, 2020

One Less Barbie

The only thing I ever did to bother you was exist
Yet I'd feel your fist through all of my days
The eyes meant to keep watch were always closed to me
Until this injustice had its fill
Your gilded path will guide you home
Across the backs of folks like me
One day soon, I may refuse to be your yellow brick road
Will the Wizard still want to fly you home?

We're all just Mean Girls in our dreams
With plastic skin over hollow souls
I'd scalp your hair with the brush packed in
One less Barbie, one less sin
If God were female, we'd be free
Instead we're left under lock and key
This ecosystem is meant to fail
One less Barbie, one less sin

The only thing I ever did to scare you was exist
Was it boy loves girl or girl loves girl?
It never mattered how your friends read me
Your eyes were always closed to dreams
They'll drag me along this road of thorns
I'll leave a trail of blood to mark my past
One day soon, I may choose to stab you in the back
But I'd rather stab you in the face

I'm just a Mean Girl in your dreams
A villain cast to absolve your sins
Your friends chose their victim well
One less Ken doll, one less myth
I once believed that Lilith lived inside me
But Adam saw an end to that
Yet you still can't fully drown out her voice
One less Ken doll, one less myth

The only thing I ever did to bother you was exist
Now, we're all just Mean Girls in our dreams...

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