Saturday, June 20, 2020

Another Song About You

I could have been better if I never met you
Could have slept sounder if I never kept you
So close to my heart
At the very start
Of my love

I would have been better had I never cared for you
Would have felt better had I never wanted to hold you
To be taken apart
At the gate of my heart
I fall in love with you, greater still
With every thorn you stick into my side
With every last thought of love's deep divide
I mourn your loss like a lover's touch
Once denied, never to be felt again
You drift away from me like a dream
Soon to be forgotten with the morning's waking
As if you never were
While I'm left here and waiting
For the memory of you to return to me
Of everything I ever loved about you
Instead of all this seething hatred

I wake from a nightmare, screaming that you had left me
But you were never there to abandon me from the beginning
Each knife you stick into my heart-shaped rib cage
Pierces vital organs, but never truly penetrates them
These daggers to the soul shatter me more and ever more
Until all I have left of you is a broken, gas-lit memory
Of a woman who could never afford me the courtesy
Of leaving me with a sense of indemnity

I hate the way my soul is sickened
Every time I dig up my memory of you
If this is love
Then only hatred could sooth this wretched soul
I'm exhausted by this external torment
And the internal damage that has been done
This ring of fire burns my soul
Like hell hath fury of the woman scorned
But I was the woman scorned, not you
Yet you feel nothing for me
No fury, no hate, no regret, no shame
You get to live happily free of every possible last memory of me
All I was to you was a momentary annoyance
An offensive sickness you couldn't run from fast enough
Yet you will remain the scar on my soul
Of the things desired, once lost, and never to be felt again

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