Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Despised Divine

I hate every day that I’ve failed to burn you in effigy
Oblivious to the tune of your lifestyle’s melody
Lyrics in the trees that hang so low that they mean nothing at all
Obsequious to you

Interpreting the wanton speech of your lyrical extremes
Clouded by illusions rising from waters like steam
Creating the rain clouds meant to drown the whole of time
Obfuscated by you

I’ve breathed in the wartime air beneath your liar’s smile
Coughing up the fires of desolation in my wake
It’s only fitting that I turn my rage to the despised divine
Obliterating you

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Inspired By A White Stripes Song

Suffocated in a wounded soul
As I make my way down to Mexico
Meg White is breathing down my back
As Jack sings a song of Jericho
Not sure what I’m doing here
As I've never done the fame thing well
A bus ride to the Pearly Gates
Might as well be a bike ride to Hell

I fortified my southern wall
Just to keep out all the invaders
Put an ocean between you and me
‘Cause you act like a bunch of first graders
Oh, I’m sure I could tour the world
Play all the bars and finally make it
But I swear to God as my witness
That I will grow to despise my biggest hit

I don’t want negative attention
For things I do just for fun
I’m not a monkey on a leash
You can just parade out to everyone
I alone say how I’m going to play
And everyone else can kindly piss off
I’m hardly the kind of superstar
That won’t make you take a taste of Molotov

Saturday, October 31, 2020


The harsher cold of the fading light
Set the time to hasten the foreboding night
The time creeps in where the nightmares thrive
And we’re lucky to still be alive
We watch the sun fade into a darkened red
A sky filled with the blood of our ungrateful dead
We set here to watch the ever-faithful die
Trapped in the sight of the all-seeing I 

How can the cold consume us all?
Why can the cold destroy a soul?
Where does daylight grow to die?
Why must the darkness make us cry?

Dead leaves like a carpet underfoot
Destined to rot like infested wood
Bugs eat away at the life’s insides
Yet we dare to call it suicide?
As we lay and revel in our hell
Locked away inside a prison cell
No light shines in the concrete sky
Under the watch of the all-seeing I

Is impending death a righteous goal for you?
The winter breeds a cold long overdue
To leave us suffer under this spiteful song
From our hearts left frozen for oh so long

Bathed in the light of the all-seeing I
May be the last thing you will see before you die

Friday, October 30, 2020

November Looms

Welcoming a harvest moon
Nighttime children come into bloom
Soon the raindrops will concentrate
Encompass the world in a frozen dew

‘Til then, this fire will warm your heart
As your mind begins to embrace the dark
Second guessing second nature
As November begins to loom

Watching the colors fade into gray
Losing hope along the way
Winter breeds a death too soon
Perhaps even a bloodless coup?

I’ve watched a tyrant tear us down
As nighttime children gather ‘round
This fire burns inside you too
Desperate ages too late to bloom

The winter’s cold will soon embrace
Every heart that shall partake
In rendering a final word
As November beings to loom

Watching the colors fade to gray
Will hopes and prayers come to save the day?
Snowfall waters, a hopeless brew
Will I still drown here with you?

I’m wary of this blood red moon
A fear sets in as November looms
Can no one save us from Winter’s scorn?
Will any one of us live so long?

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Will Have Her Revenge on the United States

To bear a false witness
For a lack of resistance
And I will bear your cross no more
If nothing is moving
For the point that you’re proving
What is the point of your useless score?

Turn in your robe for a Handmaid’s gown
Subservience known the whole world round
Slave girl, who are trying to fool?
And I will have my revenge on you

You take up my body
As if you now own me
A commodity bred for breeding seed
This life now acknowledged
To your dominant bondage
Bound to reproductive slavery

Turn in your robe for a Handmaid’s gown
Subservience known the whole world round
Slave girl, who are trying to fool?
And I will have my revenge on you

Am I not human?
Just a televised Truman?
Is this how you wish to entertain
Your bought and sold masters?
Repeat your fathers’ disasters?
For a power your sisters could not attain?

Turn in your robe for a Handmaid’s gown
Subservience known the whole world round
Slave girl, who are trying to fool?
And I will have my revenge on you

Turn in your soul for a longer leash
A traitorous hag to patriarchy
Deliver a generational wound
And we shall have our revenge on you

Monday, September 28, 2020


I am not beholden to anyone
You are not owed an excuse or explanation
If you feel you have been wronged
Take it up with someone else
I have just dismissed you from my conscience

I am no one’s sidekick or loyal servant
I am only loyal to what brings my ends
I do right because right needs to be done
But sometimes wrongs are righteous, too
And I have deemed you worthy of ignoring you

You are not beholden to decency
Thus why I dismiss you eternally
Enjoy your days as far away
As I stay here in a blissful haze
And no one will ever need to bother you

I am not beholden to anyone
You are not my master or my employer
Why would you want to follow
When you can forge your own road?
I owe you nothing, so leave me be

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Dorothy Jane

I’ve watched you in the window as you spoke to the Man in the Moon
Wishing I had someone as interesting to talk to as you
With your light southern drawl and your innocent love
Of the simple things, small, private, and yours alone
If only I could be as close to you as the Man in the Moon
In the quiet things that no one ever knows
As we tell ourselves the tales of ordinary days
I dream of you with the Man in the Moon
Sitting together at night by your window
Sharing our stories, our thoughts and our dreams
Hoping that someone out there is listening to us
As we profess a love beyond ourselves
Into the night's sky, never to be forgotten

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Opposite Lovers

I’m living from left to the right
Between the Heavens and Hell
Inside me, there’s a tornado
That could tear my world apart
I could be disassembled
Then put myself back together
But would any of that matter
If I were to lose my heart?

I dream of resolution
As if peace were mine to hold
I am longing for justice
Just to find my needs ignored
What is the opposite of love?
Could it be truly hatred?
Chances are I’m overthinking
Maybe you’ve just gotten bored

We are opposite lovers
Too far apart to be absolved
How could I know if I’d love your soul
Inside the body of another?
I don’t know who you are
I’m not a mystery to solve
But your absence leaves me cold
As I’m sure you’ll soon discover

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Why the hell is it so hard to hold murderers accountable for their actions?
Why are we so willing to do just about anything BUT hold murderers accountable?
We'll change names
And recast voice actors
And pull questionable episodes
And paint murals on streets
But we can't hold murderers accountable for their actions?

What the hell is wrong with us?

Saturday, June 20, 2020

My Stepdad, The Wanna-Be Cop

My former stepdad was a police fanboy, but he never had the guts to follow through with it and go to the academy. To what should come as no surprise to anyone whatsoever, he was a shiftless, lying, cheating, financially irresponsible, racist thief who sexually assaulted several women and cheated on my mom the entire time they were married. And this fuck up thought he was qualified to be a cop.

Sadly... He probably was.

Radio Dreams: True Dreams of Wichita

True Dreams of Midwestern bliss
Lost among the flyover states
In the rare places where freaks like me gather in droves
Like the Beetopia from the Blind Melon video
I finally found a place where people like me exist
… except they don't

True dreams of Leavittsburg
I could never return and call that home
Because home was never a place I had been
Only the places I could imagine in my dreams
I never felt as if I were permanent
I was always just passing through
The people who are here today
Would be gone by next week
Nothing is permanent
Nothing is stable
Nothing gold ever stays
But neither does anything else

True Dreams of Youngstown
And I'm stuck with all I've got
Dreams come to die here
Chances are, I will, too
The only stability here is the inevitability of failure
That's why everyone tries to run away from Ohio
No one stays here because they want to
We stay here because we can't afford to go home, anymore
Except that Ohio was always home, I guess
Maybe that's why it never felt that way

True dreams of Wichita, and I have no concept of it
All I know are gray skies, football, and trailer parks
I've spent my entire life believing that I was just passing through
But Ohio won't let me leave you
Until it takes away ever last possible dream
I may ever have of Wichita

Dick Pics

Nobody wants a picture of your dick
I feel like I have to keep saying this
Because you keep sending me these pics
And these pics are making me sick
I don't want to see your dick
I don't want to see MY dick
I don't want to see anybody's dick
So stop sending me your damn dick pics

A Message from a Vampire Named Daphne

Eternal youth
Carnal bliss
You look to us as if we are some romantic gift
Pining to save you from the clutches of time
Moments before, you begged to be embraced
But faced with the truth, you run away
Because there is no eternity for you
We are not the creatures of myth you romanticize
We are not the cunning Lestat
Giving you the choice that he never had
To be frank, we don't find you all that interesting
You thought that we'd be some eternal moping teenager
Pining for one true love to stay by our side forever
Most of us can't even stand one another
Let alone the ceaseless whining of the so-called “living”
“Oh please, take me away from my mundane existence!”
Trust me, in one hundred years, you'll understand
You have yet to experience what true boredom is
Living in a waking dream that humans call “decades”
Watching all the living creatures run around you like children
What would a god have to discuss with an ant?
What would the eternal have to discuss with the finite?
We have seen empires rise and fall,
Civilizations thrive and crumble
We have been here through the centuries watching
As the mortal whispers of the past become the distorted prophecies of the future
Your kind obsesses over eternity
But you can barely handle the moment before you
We were once much like you
Begging our betters to save us from mediocrity
Throwing ourselves, often quite literally, into the arms of infinite darkness
Believe me when I say that this is not something you truly want
This is not the lifestyle you want to believe this is
We are not eternally beautiful, young and promiscuous romantics
We are the Pantheon of Infinite Boredom
And you are merely toys in which we play with to pass the time
You may believe that Edward will love you forever
But forever among your kind is but a few years, at best
Too many of us have made the mistake of embracing out of love
Virtually all of us have abandoned those mates for younger mortal models
Learning the lesson that you have refused to accept
Nothing is forever, even for those frozen in place in time
Enjoy the moments you have, for there are precious few
We will never, ever embrace you

One Less Barbie

The only thing I ever did to bother you was exist
Yet I'd feel your fist through all of my days
The eyes meant to keep watch were always closed to me
Until this injustice had its fill
Your gilded path will guide you home
Across the backs of folks like me
One day soon, I may refuse to be your yellow brick road
Will the Wizard still want to fly you home?

We're all just Mean Girls in our dreams
With plastic skin over hollow souls
I'd scalp your hair with the brush packed in
One less Barbie, one less sin
If God were female, we'd be free
Instead we're left under lock and key
This ecosystem is meant to fail
One less Barbie, one less sin

The only thing I ever did to scare you was exist
Was it boy loves girl or girl loves girl?
It never mattered how your friends read me
Your eyes were always closed to dreams
They'll drag me along this road of thorns
I'll leave a trail of blood to mark my past
One day soon, I may choose to stab you in the back
But I'd rather stab you in the face

I'm just a Mean Girl in your dreams
A villain cast to absolve your sins
Your friends chose their victim well
One less Ken doll, one less myth
I once believed that Lilith lived inside me
But Adam saw an end to that
Yet you still can't fully drown out her voice
One less Ken doll, one less myth

The only thing I ever did to bother you was exist
Now, we're all just Mean Girls in our dreams...


Eyes wide shut
As I melt into her consciousness
A flooding rain of ambient sounds
Lulling me into a sense of waking sleep
Auditory erotica of the simplest kind
She speaks softy to me
As I drift into the silence
That exists in between her whispers
A tapping of alpha-keratin
Between my shoulders
Underneath my neck
The closest I've experienced to intimacy
In what feels like centuries
I've only ever wanted
Whatever of these sensations are real
To be the recipient
Of this unconditional love
Validation of this need
For physical contact
Combined with emotional support
If only this touch was real
Not through a monitor
But from a partner
I need these sounds to help me sleep
To simulate the melding
Of two souls as one
I need something deeper than sex
More encompassing than friendship
Something beyond real
That you can only find
In the silent moments
In between the noises
Of wind and hushed voices
Of shallow breathing
And softly-spoken affirmations
Love isn't something that you make
It's what exists between the lines
In the quiet things that no one ever knows
Where nothing
And everything

Another Song About You

I could have been better if I never met you
Could have slept sounder if I never kept you
So close to my heart
At the very start
Of my love

I would have been better had I never cared for you
Would have felt better had I never wanted to hold you
To be taken apart
At the gate of my heart
I fall in love with you, greater still
With every thorn you stick into my side
With every last thought of love's deep divide
I mourn your loss like a lover's touch
Once denied, never to be felt again
You drift away from me like a dream
Soon to be forgotten with the morning's waking
As if you never were
While I'm left here and waiting
For the memory of you to return to me
Of everything I ever loved about you
Instead of all this seething hatred

I wake from a nightmare, screaming that you had left me
But you were never there to abandon me from the beginning
Each knife you stick into my heart-shaped rib cage
Pierces vital organs, but never truly penetrates them
These daggers to the soul shatter me more and ever more
Until all I have left of you is a broken, gas-lit memory
Of a woman who could never afford me the courtesy
Of leaving me with a sense of indemnity

I hate the way my soul is sickened
Every time I dig up my memory of you
If this is love
Then only hatred could sooth this wretched soul
I'm exhausted by this external torment
And the internal damage that has been done
This ring of fire burns my soul
Like hell hath fury of the woman scorned
But I was the woman scorned, not you
Yet you feel nothing for me
No fury, no hate, no regret, no shame
You get to live happily free of every possible last memory of me
All I was to you was a momentary annoyance
An offensive sickness you couldn't run from fast enough
Yet you will remain the scar on my soul
Of the things desired, once lost, and never to be felt again

120 Minutes

I am the only one who lives for Sunday
It comes on at Midnight
No one else knows
The sounds of bands that live left of the dial
Sometimes, they might get airplay for a while
But most of the time, they're only here for Sunday
I'd burn through more than one VCR
Taping the memories of bands and songs
I may only see once on a Sunday Night
And may never see again

I'd play and replay, and replay even more
Until the tapes couldn't take it anymore
They were never meant to take such abuse
I'd hold on for years, waiting and searching
To see their names on the shelf of a record store
Just to know that they were real
I'd burn through more than one VCR
Replaying the memories of bands and songs
I would only hear once on a Sunday Night
And would never hear again

I didn't spend my summers hanging out with friends
You have to have friends to even hang out with
All I had was Sunday for 120 Minutes
Every band I wish I could be in
Being the things I wish I could have been
Playing late on MTV, only here for the hardcore
Not Alternative Nation, but even further left of the dial
You might hear me on a college station if you get reception
Sandwiched between the Replacements and Pavement
I might be big in Canada and you would never know it
Because I only existed on Sunday Nights
Burning through more than one VCR
Keeping the memories of bands and songs
That no one would hear on a Sunday Night
Faded away into nothing
Faded away into something lost
Faded away on a VHS
Faded away into a memory
Of Sunday Nights here on MTV

Dead Tranny on SVU

Bare chest to undermine her gender role
Dead before the open credits roll
That’s what we are to you
Hookers, dead victims and pitiables
Laverne earned her name in a prison show
Caitlyn bought her fame
And sided with those who would
Rather see us as dead than human
Where’s your rainbow?

Got this hair on my chest
Sometimes, I could care less
Shave or Wax for rashes
Mascara for eyelashes
An ass that’s fit for drilling
But my dresses are ill-fitting
This man is just not my type
Yet he sees me as a trap

Rad-Fems scream about privilege
Never once considered
How we hide in closets
To avoid the violence
You wear baggy clothes to avoid
We all carry keys like claws in hand
Mace and a whistle for times of need
Men want what they can’t have and claim a need
We’re both susceptible

She would love to kill me
If she couldn’t be me
I would love to make her
A better wife and savior
But we just cannot agree on
Anything that matters
She’s a TERF who lies with Sappho
And I’m just a fag in drag

Bare chest to show us she is not she
Raped in the first scene
Her dying breath is off screen
Now you check her out on PornHub
Looking for a good tug
Just can’t get enough of…

… never mind


A passing glance of wicked ambition
She takes the stage
Smiling as she greets a bloated figure of spoiled indulgence
She proceeds to let him dominate the conversation
As if his ideas had merit
She responds by conceding her defeat
And watches silently as he claims her ideas as his own
Invisible Woman, never meant to be seen or heard
For when she speaks, her words become the void
Give the words to a man
And he's praised for his prestigious insight
But let a woman speak... 

Dear You

Dear You,
They say you should never meet your heroes
They'll only disappoint you
I've only known about you for a little over a month
But I admired you
Which only made what you really had to say about me that much harder to process
I was a captive audience for you the night before
You had my undivided attention
But I guess I should have known when you couldn't be bothered to get off of your phone
That you had no use for me, my words or my world

Dear You,
I feel like you blocked me because you were ashamed to tell me the truth
That you lacked the strength of your convictions
And only felt safe speaking your true feelings when you knew I'd never see them
Or maybe, you simply didn't care if I ever found out
Well, I did.  Friends of mine made it their place to be your messenger
I honestly wish they hadn't
But at least now I know the truth about you
Or at the very least, the truth about how you see me

Dear You,
I'm not afraid to tell you that I was in awe of you
It's one thing to see someone from afar, be somewhat familiar with their work
It's an entire other thing to sit in the same room approximately three feet apart from one another
You were even better than I imagined
I was completely enamored by you
All I wanted was for you to be a small part of my life
I've met many great people through poetry
I was hoping to add you to that list
To keep in contact and hope that some of your greatness might rub off on me
Or, at the very least, to be able have a nice chat every now and then
None of that will happen, now
You've made it clear that you want nothing to do with me
And I'm more than willing to oblige you

Dear You,
The night we first met, I had a few kind hours of beautiful thoughts
Exploring possibilities that, while unlikely, were nice to indulge in
I want to thank you for shattering those visions so decisively
Few have ever had your level of brutal mercy to that end
I want to hate you, but I can't.  I have no desire for it
Friends say that they hope you're not as single-dimensional as I have cause to believe
But I've coaxed this level of disgust out of others before
You needed no such coaxing
I finally know the truth about you, how you operate, how you deal with others
My heart will eventually mend, but I fear yours will remain as poisoned as the day we met


I've worked very hard for my zen
So, it should come
As no surprise
That I have a rather low tolerance
For those who try
To throw off said zen
Your words
Have more power than you know
But your methods
More than your words
Were the most egregious
Of your sins

Put bluntly
You are a coward
And a fraud
And I have no use for either
Your false masks
The pageantry of pleasantry
These things
Mean nothing to me
And I have no intention
Of letting you skate free
On my watch
Ever again

I have a memory like an elephant
And hold grudges like a jackal
My words to you
Are like Wolverine's claws
Slashing through
Your false pretenses
With no forgiveness in sight
I am going to remember you
Your open cowardice
Your crude retorts
And I will strike hard upon you
The very moment
That you believe
You have regained
My good graces

That my memory of you dies
Before our paths
Ever cross again
No good will come to you
I am to remember

Bad Romance Part II

She kills me in the moments of lapsed judgment
I'm going behind friends' backs in order to keep in contact
They all say that she's a liar and there's little to dispute that
She is an irresponsible child but I just can't keep her off my mind

There are no winners in this game I'm playing
Even if I get what I want, I could lose almost everything
She may not even be worth the effort I'm putting into this
But my rational mind won't intervene long enough to stop me from doing it

Loneliness can feel like a curse if it goes on long enough
There comes a point where you'll take stupid risks just to know if love can still happen for you
I know she's a risk with a history of broken hearts that trail behind her
But how much of that trail is real, and how much of that is the exaggeration of jilted exes?

That's how I justify this, by not knowing both sides of the story
By believing that there's more to things than what my friends are saying
Because I observe all of these things from a third-person perspective
And I understand the biases in place which creates fractured truths from objective facts

She kills me in the moments when I let my judgment lapse
She may not even realize, yet, why I've chosen to keep in contact
No one ever seems to know when I'm making a blatant move
Maybe I'm just as much a liar as her exes claim that she is

Here I am, ready to take advantage of a girl that takes advantage of everyone around her
Something says that I really shouldn't do this, but the voice isn't strong enough to put an end to this
The rational mind that usually intervenes has gone on vacation
I move on bad judgment, poor instincts, and a complete disregard of others' advice

She kills me in the moments where better judgment dies
A deadly game that no one with sense should ever want to play
But that's the catch of having romantic urges
Logic is the enemy of everything the heart longs for
Especially her

Mushroom Delusion (Super Mario Bros.)

Tripping mushrooms
Growing ten miles high
Crushing fungus underfoot
Paratroopers of flying turtles
Raining egg spikes and fire flowers
Walking in a dream world
Where raccoons can fly and turn to stone
Where frogs are suits and hammers have brothers
Chase a dragon for a Peach or a Daisy
Turn the first letter of your name upside down
To fight your evil clone over 6 golden coins
Or maybe, just maybe
Start your day as an Arabian Family in a Doki Doki Panic
And end that day as a pair of Italian plumbers
Who just happen to be brothers
Fight a giant ape to save your girlfriend one week
Fight an army of turtles the next
Try to save the environment
With a water-shooting backpack
While your brother plays Ghostbusters
With a vacuum in a Haunted House
Better keep a look-out
Turn your back and you just get attacked
Want a pet?
Here's a dinosaur
He eats almost everything
Or would you rather have a hat
That swaps your mind with Bullet Bills?
Bullet Bills?
They have names, too?
Jesus Christ, what kind of trip is this?
Someone, call me a doctor
I got red, yellow and blue germs
Picking at my brains
Rotting my insides
Turning my soul into mush
Turns my soul into mush?
Mush, as in “mushrooms”?
That thing that gives me all these extra lives?
Am I really just eating the dead souls
Of past versions of myself to stay alive?
That's just crazy!
I just ate a mushroom that turned me into a giant
Now I can punch walls
That's not crazy at all!

The Christmas Recital

I went to my nephew's Christmas Recital a while back.  I was in a theater full of parents. And parents with parents. And parents with parents of parents. There were a lot of parents there.  I can't remember the last time I was in the same room with this many parents, and being there, in that moment, was very... odd. Like, I have nothing in common with everyone in this room. They're all parents of kids, most of them are married, and can apparently afford to have their kids in art programs and then see those kids perform. For the first time in a very, VERY long time, I'm around a bunch of parents. Straight, cisgender, middle class, conservative, mostly white, suburban parents. And their parents. And their parents' parents. For 2 hours. As children sing Christmas Carols, looking about as enthused to be there as most kids who don't find performing to be much fun. It's a school thing. They worked at this for months for this 10 minutes of glory as this assemblage of parents cheer, wildly.

In this strange environment that's probably perfectly normal to most people, my mind begins to wander, and I begin to ask myself questions. Questions like, "who thought up the concept of clapping? Who decided that this action of slapping our hands together was a way to show appreciation for something? And how come this never seems weird to anyone? What would folks from another planet think of clapping? Would they think it's strange? Would they ask us why we do it, and would we even really have an answer?"

Never mind the ongoing feeling that I have, screaming through my every last nerve that "I really, REALLY don't belong here. These people are too normal.”  I don't know if I'm on the verge of a full-on panic attack or what, but I kept feeling like my entire body was trying to reject the mere concept of me sitting here in this room with all of these nuclear families.

Then, even more questions come up. Now they're personal ones, like "when did you realize that the suburban mom and dad thing wasn't in the cards for you? When did you realize that was something you could never be? Why do you feel so damn uncomfortable in here? Is it because you're directly in the middle of a society you've been desperately trying to escape your entire life?"

And then, we get the existential crap - "Why are you even here? What exactly do you want out of life? Is that even achievable? Because, right now, you're looking around this room hoping there's a single mom, because GOD DAMN you're lonely.... but even then, they're all straight. and cisgender. and BORING. And they have kids, and you... you probably don't really want kids that badly. You'd rather be in a good and secure position before even THINKING about kids, and to be honest, I don't know if that's ever going to happen, because you're a thing the world can't easily process. Your existence is a revolution you never wanted to fight."

And then we come to the root of all of this - "why can't I just be normal, like everybody else? Why can't I have this?"

Because, apparently, I'm not meant to.

Taylor Preston

I fell in love with Taylor Preston in seventh grade
I met her at a baseball game in '93
Our sisters were in Little League, on the same team
We'd run off to the playground just across the street
I always dreamed of kissing her underneath the twisting slide
Comb my fingers through her ember-reddened hair
Guide my hand between her thighs, her burning flame
Forever entwined in a frozen frame of endless time

Three weeks later, she'd fall out of a tree
She wouldn't walk again until next February
In less than a year, she had forgotten all about me
And moved on to some other guy that I could never be

I fell in love with Taylor Preston in seventh grade
I would have been her anything, had she asked me
Still to this day, I see her there inside my mind
Waiting for me underneath the twisting slide
I dream that I am kissing her, like she was mine
But life and love are funny things when you lose time
I've given you a thousand years worth of regrets
For this girl I met in seventh grade I can't forget

Three weeks later, she'd fall out of a tree
She wouldn't walk again until next February
In less than a year, she had forgotten all about me
And moved on to some other guy that I could never be
Twenty years later, she still lives in my dreams
And I'm 12 years old, underneath that dreaded tree
Hoping that I'll catch her, so we can finally see
If we were ever meant to be more than momentary

Spray-Tanned America

Get Red or Get Dead, everybody, go to bed
Kim Jong Un just got himself a warhead
Trump's in the White House, we're in the Poor House
White folk talking 'bout Nazis like they're Mickey Mouse
Caging up immigrants, snatching up all their kids
Sell 'em to white folk living up in Norfolk
Institute a travel ban, send 'em to Pakistan
Spend a billion dollars to institute some space cops
While telling poor folk to stop buying cell phones
You can either eat or you can have healthcare
You can't have both, so poor folk best beware
Spray-Tanned America is kind of a shit hole
“I don't really care, do u?”
I didn't think so...